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The EU in 2016: General Report and Highlights

Do you want to know what the EU achieved in 2016? What progress it made in delivering on its priorities? The measures it took to boost jobs, growth and investment? The ambition behind the newly-launched European Solidarity Corps? The good progress made on migration? The new trade partnership agreed with Canada? And how EU citizens benefited from the Union? You can find the answers to all these questions and more in 'The EU in 2016'.

The EU in 2016: General Report cover
European Union

date:  08/05/2017

The 96-page General Report 2016 and 16-page Highlights 2016 were published on 15 March 2017, in 24 languages.

Catalogue numbers:

- General Report: NA-AD-17-001-EN-C

- Highlights: NA-AP-17-001-EN-C