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Fun and learning for kids: Colouring with Edi

Colouring with Edi is the title of a new booklet produced for kindergarten and primary school children in Upper Austria. "This book contains images of the sort of things you will find in each of the EU Member States", said Dr. Michael Strugl, Minister for Economy and Europe of the Austrian Federal State in Upper Austria at the launch of the booklet.

Colouring with Edi cover

date:  10/04/2017

The booklet provides a "great opportunity for young children to get to know the individual Member States, be it in primary school lessons or in kindergarten classes", added Bernhard Kühr from the Commission Representation in Austria, which is supporting the project.

The booklet contains 28 pages, one for each EU Member State. The theme of the booklet is "What is typical in each country?", and children are encouraged to colour in and personalise each page as they wish.

The product has been well received in Austria and further afield.

Contact: Hans Aigner, Regierung von Oberösterreich, e-mail:

The booklet can be downloaded here.

Teachers from Upper Austria can order printed copies here.