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'Let's explore Europe!' - educational booklet for 9-12 year olds

A booklet aimed at younger schoolchildren tells the story of Europe simply and clearly. It covers subjects ranging from nature and geography, to history and the EU more generally.

Let's explore Europe! cover

date:  02/03/2017

44 pages, A4 format, 23 languages. Includes a fold-out map and an insert leaflet entitled "Forty famous faces".

We have recently published the 2016 edition of "Let's explore Europe!' - All language versions are now available. The 2014 edition can continue to be used, as its content is still accurate. The 2016 edition contains minor updates and follows a similar design to the previous version.

Catalogue number:

2014 edtion: NA-01-14-598-**-C

2016 edtion: NA-01-16-765-**-C

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Explore in schools

There is also an accompanying teachers' guide, which gives ideas on how to use 'Let's Explore Europe!' in schools.

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Play and learn online

A video game linked to the themes of the booklet is also available.

23 languages

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