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New from Bulgaria: Tales from under the Linden trees now downloadable

It was a rough ride for the new children's publication of the Commission Representation in Sofia. "It had to wait at the closed Bulgarian border due to heavy snow and the impossibility of reaching Sofia", Esen Alieva from the Representation told us. "Tales from Europe under the Linden trees" presents fairy tales from the 28 EU Member States.The brochure was reviewed in Publications Update 02/2017.

Tales from under the Linden trees - cover
European Union

date:  02/02/2017

The book is now available for download at the EU bookshop: :

Catalogue no.: BG-01-13-745-D5-C

e-pub: BG-01-13-745-D5-E

Contact person: Esen Alieva, e-mail: ; Tel. +359 2 933 52 52