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Luxembourg - a country of fine diners in the heart of Europe

Luxembourg is a country of fine diners, just like France, Belgium, Italy and other EU member states. No doubt the Commission Representation in the Grand Duchy had the old saying “The way to a man’s heart is through his stomach” in mind when they decided to produce a total of three publications dealing with food issues.

Vegetable basket photo taken from the publication

date:  01/11/2016

“Rural delicacies in Europe” presents fruit and vegetables in Europe. More than one hundred of the most popular fruit, vegetables and other products are presented in descriptions of one to three pages in length, including a proposal for their use, their names in all EU languages (except Croatian) and their botanical names. The 204 pages of this book are richly illustrated.

Once you have bought your vegetables, you will be ready to prepare a meal. The “Recipes for Europe – culinary specialties from all over Europe” provides you with some ideas on how to do that. There are two volumes: one for dishes from the EU Member States, and a second one for dishes from the EU candidate countries. Croatia, not yet a Member State when the book was published in 2010, is listed in volume 2.

  • The first volume lists recipes from the then 27 Member States. The recipes cover starters and soups, vegetables and side dishes, main courses and desserts. There is baked carp from Austria, liver dishes from Hungary and Austria, pork collar with thick beans from Luxembourg, baked sole from the Netherlands, baked hake in horseradish sauce from Lithuania, a walnut roll from Slovenia, and many more.
  • The second volume of this publication has recipes from Croatia (which joined the EU in 2013), from the candidate states: Albania, Montenegro, the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, Serbia and Turkey, and from the following EFTA countries: Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway. “A small knowledge guide on spices” is included in the second part of this volume. Each spice and herb from “Anis” (anise) to “Zitronenmelisse” (lemon balm) gets a two page description including a photo.

All three books were written in German, one of the three official languages of Luxembourg. A French version existed, but is out of print. , Noemi Maas from the Representations’ infopoint explains that all three German volumes are still available in print from the Commission Representation in Luxembourg, from its infopoint, and at certain events in the Grand Duchy.

Contacts: Horst Heinzius,; Anette Siemes,

Bibliographical details and weblinks to the EU bookshop are listed below.

Ländliche Köstlichkeiten in Europa, Obst, Gemüse und mehr, 204 pages, Luxembourg 2012, ID-31-11-295-DE-C,

Rezepte für Europa, Kulinarische Spezialitäten aus ganz Europa, 244 pages, Luxembourg 2009, NA-81-08-504-DE-C.

Rezepte für Europa, Kulinarische Spezialitäten aus ganz Europa, 2. Band, 216 pages, Luxembourg 2010, ID-32-10-422-DE-C.