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President Juncker's State of the Union 2016 back in stock

Every September, the President of the European Commission delivers his 'State of the Union' speech before the European Parliament, taking stock of the past year's achievements and presenting his priorities for the year ahead. All the important texts from this year's speech of 14 September are assembled in one publication: the speech itself, the President's letter of intent on the priorities, a summary of the progress on the Commission's 10 priorities and more.

date:  01/11/2016

The section presenting the progress made on each of the 10 priorities consists of an easy-to-read one page factsheet per priority, which you are free to copy and use in other communication activities.

66 pages in A4 format. Available in 23 languages. Catalogue n° NA-02-16-997-**-C

Get it here.

This publication is included on the website dedicated to the speech, where you can also watch the video of the speech and find other useful information.