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Guide to the European Citizens’ Initiative

YOU can set the agenda – since the creation of the European Citizens' Initiative four years ago, about six million EU citizens have already made use of their new rights. Over 20 initiatives have been prepared and more than five million signatures collected.

cover Guide to the European Citizens' Initiative

date:  03/10/2016

An updated 3rd edition of the Secretariat General’s 'Guide to the European Citizens’ Initiative' has just hit the shelves. The Guide has been updated to include the latest changes of procedure and also contains a brief overview of the initiatives already introduced. It is a tool for those who want to become politically active and answers questions like "How to sign up to an initiative?", "How to organize an initiative? – the procedures step by step", "One Million Signatories – what happens next?" and the like.

* Guide to the European Citizens’ Initiative

Easy-to-read guide to the European Citizens Initiative and how it works. A 2016-updated edition.

30 pages, format C5, available in 24 languages,


E-pub edition to follow soon

The Citizens' Initiative website gives information about the citizens' initiative, including this guide: