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The doors are open in the Commission

On Saturday 28th May, the European institutions in Brussels opened their doors to the public. Europe Direct and the Citizens' Information Unit did not miss this great opportunity. Visitors were queuing to visit the Berlaymont building already before it opened. As the DG COMM stand, organised by the Europe Direct unit, was one of the first stands on the visitors' tour, we faced their unabated enthusiasm and eagerness. Visitors tested their knowledge about the EU, enquired about Europe Direct's free information service, and explored DG COMM publications. The Europe Direct team offered a wide range of entertaining activities like quizzes, a smart board game and navigation of the Europa web pages. We all experienced an intense day, full of building bridges, breaking down an ill-perceived image of a distant EU and showing the human face of the Commission. Europe Direct at its best!

Poster for Europe Day 2016

date:  02/06/2016