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The EU in 2015 – General Report and Highlights

Do you want to know what the EU achieved in 2015? What progress it made in delivering on its priorities? The measures it took to boost jobs, growth and investment? The part it played in the climate deal achieved in Paris? How it handled the refugee crisis? And how European citizens benefited from the EU? You can find the answers to all these questions and more in 'The EU in 2015'.

date:  31/03/2016

The Highlights brochure is currently the best general EU publication for giving out to the public. By covering each of the 10 priorities of the EU in just 250 words, it touches upon all the main current political themes. It is printed in sufficient numbers to cover most of the needs of local information centres. Copies can be requested via the Privileged Partners' bulk order system.

The full “General Report” has a very limited print-run and should as far as possible be used in its electronic versions.

Both publications are available in print, PDF, eBook and HTML formats.

It is both authorised and recommended to re-use the content of both publications in your own communication products. Partial re-use is fully authorised, for example by using one chapter or one infographic to inform about a certain topic.


16 pages, A4 format.

Published in 2016.

23 languages.

Catalogue number: NA-AP-16-001-**-C

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General Report

92 pages, A4 format.

Published in 2016.

23 languages.

Catalogue number: NA-AD-16-001-**-C

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