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'Euro Run' game – Anna and Alex take on the banknote forgers

The European Central Bank's game for children aged 9 and above, has just been updated. Players proceed with Anna and Alex through seven banknote levels, being pursued by forgers and evil magpies, learning about the euro on the way.

date:  03/11/2015

You can find the 'Euro Run' game here, on Kids Corner


Euro Run for teachers

Teachers may also want to use the Euro Run materials now available on Teachers' Corner, which include a short video, a PowerPoint presentation and a booklet. They help explain the basics of the euro and its security features. All of the material is available in 23 languages.


Take part in the competition!

Euro Run competition!

Children aged between 9 and 12 can take part in the Euro Run competition which is being held from 25 November 2015 until 25 February 2016. The best 100 players will win a new €20 banknote set in a special engraved frame!