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Promotional tools for Kids' Corner and Teachers' Corner

Website banners, a logo, and promotional postcards are available for Kids' Corner and Teachers' Corner.

date:  04/09/2015

Website banners and a logo:

Promotional banners and logos for the two sites can be downloaded in all languages:

Kids' Corner:

Teachers' corner:

Promotional postcards for "Kids' Corner" and "Teachers' Corner":

These postcards help promote these two EU web portals. Both cards show a screen shot and images of youth brochures.

Available in 23 languages.

C6 format, 10.5 x 16 cm.

Kids' Corner postcard  Kids' Corner:

  Catalogue number: NA-0214095-**-D


Teachers' Corner postcard  Teachers' Corner:

  Catalogue number: NA-0414095-**-D