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History in the making: a website covering EU history from 1945 onwards

The history of the European Union is one of the most popular subjects about which EU citizens seek information from DG Communication. There is a website dedicated to the history of the European Union which begins in 1945 and continues up to the present day. It is updated every month and only includes subjects that are of sufficient historical importance to European affairs and policies. Brief, concise and to the point – this is what is on offer here.

History website screenshot

date:  01/09/2017

The website contains a number of features that readers might find interesting:

- Brief chapters covering each decade.

- By clicking on individual years in each decade, you are led to a second level which outlines in more detail the major events that took place during that year, month by month.

- The site is regularly updated.

- On the same website, you can also find the biographies of the 11 founding fathers, familiar from the brochure of the same name. Further links guide you to the recently updated 2017 edition of 'Europe in 12 lessons', an overview of the European flag, anthem and other EU symbols, and a link to the EU Bookshop presentation of the two volumes covering the history of the European Commission.


In all 24 official languages. Updated monthly.