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  19 January 2023  

EU Climate Action

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The Bigger Picture: how the climate and biodiversity are intimately linked, and what the EU is doing to protect them both
After the COP27 UN climate conference in Egypt and the COP15 biodiversity conference in Canada, it is clearer than ever that the two crises – climate change and biodiversity loss – are interconnected and need to be tackled together.
Implementing the Green Deal: Commission launches Climate Resilience Dialogue
The Climate Resilience Dialogue will explore how insurance and other risk mitigation actions can contribute to climate resilience, from increasing climate risk insurance penetration, to incentives and investment in good adaptation solutions.
Innovation Fund: additional large-scale geothermal project invited to prepare grant agreement
EAVOR-LOOP will proceed with the first commercial-scale implementation of an innovative closed-loop geothermal technology.
European Green Deal: EU agrees to strengthen and expand emissions trading, and creates a Social Climate Fund to help people in the transition
The European Commission welcomes the provisional agreement reached with the European Parliament and Council to strengthen the EU Emissions Trading System (ETS), apply emissions trading to new sectors for effective economy-wide climate action, and establish a Social Climate Fund.
EU Carbon Market Report: driving emission reductions and enabling climate and energy investment
On 14 December 2022, the European Commission adopted its annual report on the European carbon market in 2021.
EU and international partners strike an agreement to support Viet Nam's ambitious climate and energy goals
Leaders from Viet Nam and the International Partners Group, including the EU, United Kingdom, France, Germany, the United States, Italy, Canada, Japan, Norway and Denmark on 14 December 2022 agreed a bold Just Energy Transition Partnership.
European Green Deal: new rules agreed on applying the EU emissions trading system in the aviation sector
The Commission welcomes the deal reached in the week of 9 December 2022 between the European Parliament and the Council to help make the aviation sector ‘Fit for 55', setting in law its contribution to our target of reducing net greenhouse gas emissions by at least 55% by 2030.
The European Climate Pact: Together in Action
The European Climate Pact is celebrating two years of taking climate action together, in our worlds, for our planet. On 1 February 2023, we are bringing together Climate Pact Ambassadors, experts and activists to take stock of the journey so far and discuss ways to build a more sustainable Europe for the future. You can network with the people and organisations involved in the European Climate Pact, hear about their achievements, and learn how you can get involved.
date 01/02/2023 - 01/02/2023
LIFE Programme survey
Deadline 24/03/2023
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Executive Vice-President Frans Timmermans

European Green Deal

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