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Reflections and Outcomes from the European Blue Forum Annual Meeting

To those who share our passion for the future of European Seas, we were thrilled to have you join us on our journey toward a more sustainable and vibrant blue economy on 30th May 2024 in Svendborg, Denmark either physically or remotely. This year's theme centred around action – transforming ideas into impactful practices, identifying innovative solutions, and striving for bold and ambitious changes for a brighter, more sustainable future.

date:  20/06/2024

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Our event facilitated engagement and interaction with sessions that weren't just about discussions but were a call to action. Attendees participated in lively discussions and brainstorming sessions aimed at turning blue economy concepts into real-world solutions. The gathering provided a unique platform for stakeholders to voice their concerns, share success stories, and contribute to shaping the future of the European blue economy. We explored innovative strategies, best practices, and collaborative approaches to enhance the sustainability of our oceans.

One of the highlights of the event was the thematic session, during which attendees formed groups (including an online group) to discuss four key technical topics that concern our community of approximately 700 members of the European Blue Forum, and which emerged from the Stakeholder Position Papers.

Discussions focused on understanding and assessing the cumulative impacts of maritime activities, the need to address governance fragmentation, comprehensive assessments, and the use of maritime surveillance and integrated modelling; exploring Land-Sea Interaction (LSI) for a Sustainable Blue Economy, highlighted the need for integrated governance, stakeholder involvement, LSI assessments, and the importance of rivers. Additionally, the discussions addressed using ocean knowledge to instil a desire to protect it, with strategies such as informative campaigns, integrating environmental topics into education. Finally, cooperation with investors, developing test centres, expanding market access, co-designing approaches, mandating fuel efficiency, and ensuring financial support for adaptation were emphasised to accelerate technology transfer and boost European competitiveness and sustainability.

A summary of the thematic sessions will be available on the event page in the coming weeks. For anyone that missioned the event, a recording of the main sessions is available on the event page here -

Moving Forward

This event, held as part of European Maritime Day, laid the groundwork for the Work Plan for the European Blue Forum for the coming period. We thank all participants for their contributions and engagement. Your active participation is crucial in our collective effort to drive forward the sustainable blue economy. We look forward to continuing this journey together and making tangible impacts on the sustainability of our oceans.


Want to find out more about the European Blue Forum?

If you haven't already, we encourage you to become a member of the European Blue Forum to stay informed about our exciting activities and events within our dynamic Blue Community. Our rapidly growing pan-European Blue Community now numbers approximately 700 members and we are looking to expand further. Since its inception, the European Blue Forum aims to ensure the voices of all our members are heard, and that they can have an influence on future EU Blue Economy policy. Our goal is to continue uniting voices from all corners of the sea, harnessing our shared passion and commitment to come together as a ‘Blue Community’ and collaboratively tackle the pressing challenges facing our oceans. To become a member of the European Blue Forum, please register here.