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CEF eSignature explanation on the pivot-LOTL mechanism updated

This update concerns a change to the LOTL's "pivot mechanism", which eases access to the LOTL for relying parties. This will impact anybody relying on the CEF eSignature building block, in particular trust service providers and eSignature software implementers, since it affects the validation of the LOTL.

Webinar recordings: 2020 eArchiving series

See the videos and slides from the 2020 eArchiving webinar series explaining how to migrate, preserve, and reuse data safely and securely, using open standards. Info on the 2021 webinar series in the events section below!

Webinar recording: Meet Big Data Test Infrastructure

Did you miss our webinar about how BDTI can support Public Administrations in using Big Data and developing their network? See the video and slides explaining how to analyse and experiment with big data for insights that lead to better decisions.