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Content eSignature/EUSign

date:  19/03/2021

Thank you for attending the eSignature and EU Sign Technical Info Session.

During the session, we welcomed colleagues from across the EU Institutions, bodies and agencies. The slides and recording will be made available on the campaign page.

If you would like to stay in touch with either the eSignature or EU Sign teams and start your on-boarding journey, please fill in this form (2min):

  I want to stay in touch  

Reusing CEF Building Blocks and/or managed services means EUIBAs will quickly develop authentication and trust services that are capable of mutual recognition, building on the approach already adopted by Member States. This will save time and resources and promote a European digital transformation, respecting interoperability and technical neutrality: building trust, block by block.

Visit the campaign page and CEF Digital for more information about the Building Blocks and learn how you and your organisation can benefit!

Kind regards,

The organising team