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Four new notified eID schemes in 2020

There are more possibilities than ever for citizens to use their national eIDs to identify themselves and access services across the EU. There are now 19 notified eID schemes, coming from 15 different Member States which can be used for cross-border identification thanks to the network of eIDAS nodes established by the eIDAS Regulation.

Podcast explores how CEF Building Blocks help Smart Cities flourish

Joao Rodrigues Frade spoke at the Smart and Sustainable Cities podcast about how the CEF Building Blocks are helping cities and municipalities all over Europe accelerate their digital transformation, for better online services for citizens and more sustainable city operations.

The CEF Building Blocks and Horizon 2020 eGovernment Projects: Building a Digital Europe

Under Horizon 2020, the European Commission funded 56 eGovernment projects to support the modernisation of public administrations through digital tools. Experts from the European Commission presented the CEF Building Blocks to these projects, explaining how these open and reusable digital solutions can help them realise their goals and bring eGovernment services closer to citizens.

Major cost reductions in the steel supply chain with CEF eDelivery

The EDI4Steel Consortium is revolutionising the steel industry by helping a vast number of companies cut down on supply chain costs. With CEF eDelivery, the Consortium is providing a solution for the automated exchange of business documents and data, making operations more seamless and helping companies stay competitive.

The best of the CEF Building Blocks in 2020

As 2020 draws to a close, we take a look at some of the biggest achievements of the Building Blocks over the year, from eSignature being used to sign an agreement with the World Bank to Context Broker helping Europe leverage digital technology to meet its ambitious climate goals.

New Domibus software for CEF eDelivery will require system updates

The Commission is planning a new release of the sample software for the eDelivery AS4 message exchange protocol (Domibus 5.0) for December 2021. Users with plugins from before Domibus 5.0 or with a standard WS plugin will need to make updates to be compatible with the new release.

Smart Cities: We have the tools you need

Optimised data management and analysis can empower cities to become truly smart in their operations, helping them make better, more efficient and sustainable choices for tomorrow. Find out how the CEF Context Broker, Big Data Test Infrastructure (BDTI) and eArchiving Building Blocks can help your city make the most of its data.

EU blockchain call for tenders launched

The Commission has launched a call for tenders for the EU Blockchain pre-commercial procurement (PCP) in cooperation with the European Blockchain Partnership (EBP). This call aims to develop new technical capabilities for the future version of EBSI that can support various novel use cases for cross-border public services. The deadline is 28 January 2021.

CEF Building Blocks to realise EU Data Governance Act

In November 2020, the European Commission proposed a Data Governance Act to encourage the reuse of public open data and increase trust in data sharing across the EU. The Building Blocks help realise a pan-European, harmonised approach to data governance that works for public administrations, businesses and citizens.