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Discover the new CEF Monitoring project dashboards

The CEF Monitoring team has also revamped all its dashboards to make them more accessible, and created new dashboards giving detailed insight into individual projects, from sector-specific digital services to the WiFi4EU initiative.

CEF eDelivery: Domibus 4.2 RC1 - available now

Domibus 4.2 is a major release bringing extensive technical improvements and several new features. We strongly encourage all interested parties to test this release candidate and report any issues found as soon as possible.

Pre-Release of CEF eIDAS-Node software v2.5

This pre-release is an all-in-one package for the Java platform. It is based on version 1.2 of the eIDAS technical specifications. The pre-release has been provided in order to validate the implementation of the Technical Specifications 1.2.

What can eID do for you?

How can authenticating yourself in another EU country with your national electronic ID make your life easier? We walk you through examples like getting a drivers licence, applying for a pension, sorting out your social security, managing your residency and applying for university.