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Decentralised Autonomous Organisations

Shall we talk about DAOs? This acronym that stands for 'Decentralised Autonomous Organisations' which are member-owned communities without centralised leadership [...]

Technical update #27

Following the successful release of EBSI v2.0.0-rc.12 to the Pre-Production environment last month, the whole team has been preparing for the upcoming release of EBSI v2.0.0-rc.13, which is scheduled for for the first half of May [...]

EBSI highlights #27

Since July 2021, Early Adopters from all over Europe have piloted on the European Blockchain Services Infrastructure (EBSI) [...]

Technical update 26

Last month, the EBSI development team has been focused on making the APIs and Smart Contracts ready for production. The main activity, the upgrade to the latest OAuth2 and SIOP versions, will be released consecutively [...]

Policy update 26

On 25 March, the European Commission held a public webinar over the Digital programme EBSI and Blockchain standardisation call for proposals to address potential questions and on the opportunities for this call to EBSI constituencies. [...]

Fun fact - EBSI Newsflash #25

In last month's newsflash, we talked about the decentralised internet of the future - the Web3 (Web 3.0) - with sovereign digital identity or Decentralised Identity as an important feature of it. [...]