ISA² - Interoperability solutions for public administrations, businesses and citizens

Updated location privacy guidance reflects one year of GDPR


Location data can become personal when linked with other data. An updated version of the Guidelines for Public Administrations on Location Privacy reflects the development in the data protection field and its impact on location data.

The new General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) implemented last year strengthens citizen rights and presents increased obligations for data controllers and processors. The ISA² ELISE action has been investigating impacts of GDPR with its stakeholders, including workshops with the Nordic countries in June 2018 and the INSPIRE Conference in September 2018. As a result, a new version of the Guidelines for Public Administrations on Location Privacy is now available on Joinup to reflect experience in the first year under the new regulation.

The updated document includes new models and concepts as well as examples to illustrate changes and potential approaches. It is a guide to practitioners and while touching on the key relevant parts of GDPR, it is not a legal document or legal advice. Members of the ISA² Working Group on Geospatial Solutions welcomed these updates at its latest meeting in Ispra, Italy, on 8 July 2019. 

Thursday, 18 July, 2019