ISA² - Interoperability solutions for public administrations, businesses and citizens

Online documentation for the ISA² Interoperability Test Bed published

The ISA² Interoperability Test Bed, a web-based platform that provides a conformance testing solution to projects developing cross-border public services, has published new documentation and training materials. The easy to follow but comprehensive documentation refers both to users, to provide explanations on Test Bed concepts and step-by-step usage instructions, as well as to developers, to reduce the learning curve involved in developing test cases.

The new documentation and training materials consists of:

  • The Test Bed’s user guide. Documents the Test Bed’s features and provides context information to understand the approach it takes to conformance testing. It is also accessible from the Test Bed’s user interface and is adapted to each user’s role.
  • The GITB Test Description Language (TDL) documentation. The reference for the XML-based language used to author test cases. It documents all TDL capabilities for test developers, but also includes numerous tips and complete examples to help test case authoring.
  • The GITB test services documentation. Acts as a counterpart to the TDL documentation to explain the development and use of GITB test services, domain-specific extensions for the Test Bed’s core capabilities. Includes best practices, code samples as well as instructions on using our template services that can be used to kick-start new service development.
  • The Test Bed guides. A collection of short guides and tutorials with step-by-step instructions to achieve common tasks. Guides are organised in thematic tracks that aim to address needs of project owners, test case developers as well as testers.

This documentation represents a significant milestone but work nonetheless continues to expand it and further facilitate the Test Bed’s uptake and use.

Why to use the Test Bed? Project owners can use it to define their conformance testing strategy as a series of test cases that users can execute in a self-service manner, with monitoring from administrators to track testing progress and provide support.

Your feedback matters

We would appreciate your feedback on the new documentation materials and the Test Bed as such. Send us an email with your thoughts at or complete our short online feedback survey.

The Test Bed is supported by the ISA² Action 2016.25 of the European Commission’s DIGIT. Find out more about us and access further Test Bed resources in our Joinup space. Don’t forget to also become a member to stay up to date on our latest news and events.

Monday, 15 October, 2018