ISA² - Interoperability solutions for public administrations, businesses and citizens

Coronavirus crisis: TESTA enables secure and reliable production of statistical data on Europe


During the Covid-19 pandemic, Eurostat and the National Statistical Institutes (NSIs) are doing their best to continue publishing relevant statistics of the highest quality. All efforts are concentrated on providing European statistics that show the changing situation from March 2020 onwards and are most needed to tackle the implications of the Covid-19 outbreak.


European statistics are produced by a team of European public administrations: the European Statistical System (ESS), composed of Eurostat and its partners of the National Statistical Institutes across Europe and Other National Authorities, such as central banks, ministries and agencies.

The production of European statistics begins with these public administrations exchanging data with Eurostat through a Single Entry Point: the IT system called EDAMIS. It is the common reception area where all statistical data arrive. Here data are automatically monitored, checked and delivered to the team of statisticians specialised in that domain.

For the transmission of statistical data, EDAMIS relies on TESTA, the European network that interconnects a wide variety of public administrations in Europe and guarantees performance and a high level of security and interoperability. TESTA enables a fast, reliable and secure exchange of statistical data between the members of the European Statistical System and contributes to the production of statistics that, especially during the pandemic, provide objective data that foster public debate, support the democratic process and serve as a basis for the European Union policies.


Wednesday, 15 April, 2020