ISA² - Interoperability solutions for public administrations, businesses and citizens

Workshop on Semantic interoperability for the multilingual web

Workshop on Semantic interoperability for the multilingual web

The Publications Office of the EU is organising a workshop on Semantic Interoperability for the multilingual web on 4 and 5 June in Luxembourg. 

In line with the strategic objectives of the Publications Office concerning the promotion of linked EU information, increasing interoperability and federated search, as well as the role of the Publications Office as a central point of data access and reuse, the Publications Office is coordinating two initiatives in the context of the ISA² Programme related to semantic interoperability: 

  • Public Multilingual Knowledge Management Infrastructure for the Digital Single Market (PMKI), aiming to create a public multilingual knowledge infrastructure that supports companies, in particular in the language technology industry, with implementing the multilingual tools and features needed to improve the cross-border accessibility of e-commerce solutions. 
  • VocBench3, a web-based open source multilingual collaborative tool for managing OWL ontologies, SKOS (XL) thesauri, generic RDF datasets, as well as Ontolex/LEMON resources.

In this workshop, we would like to present the results of these initiatives so far and to have an exchange of ideas on the state of affairs on semantic interoperability for the multilingual web and possible next steps.

Day 1

  • The PMKI project;
  • The latest evolutions of VocBench (version 3) that have been developed to support the implementation of PMKI;
  • The exchange of best practices for the representation of lexical and semantic resources as well as semantic alignment.

Day 2

  • Vocabulary management at the Publication Office;
  • The exchange of experiences regarding VocBench;
  • Our ideas about the future model for EuroVoc (EuroVoc 5).


Full agenda

Tuesday, 4 June, 2019 - Wednesday, 5 June, 2019 - 16:30 - 16:30
Luxembourg City, Luxembourg
ISA² organization