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EU Internet Standards Deployment Monitoring Website

Deployment of key Internet standards in the EU

The deployment of key Internet standards is crucial for global Internet security and the future evolution of the Internet.

Key Internet standards

We monitor and analyse the deployment of 18 key Internet standards grouped into 5 categories:

  1. Browsing – Web communication standards
  2. Routing – Mutually Agreed Norms for Routing Security (MANRS)
  3. Emailing – Email communication security standards
  4. Naming – Domain Name System Security Extensions (DNSSEC)
  5. Addressing – Internet Protocol version 6 (IPv6)

The graph below depicts the average deployment level of each of the standards monitored across the EU. The pages dedicated to the different categories show further details of the level of deployment of each standard in EU Member States.

Tracking the uptake of these key Internet standards helps us to understand what the current status of Internet-related infrastructures is in terms of actual usage of these standards. This allows us to identify areas where we need to increase uptake.

The European Commission has identified Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) and data sources to analyse and monitor the deployment of Internet standards. It also analyses best practices on Internet standards. This will enable the EU to foster the deployment of key standards, which in turn will increase global Internet security and enable new features of the Internet.