Navigačný riadok


In the framework of a pilot project starting from the 3rd of September 2019, the Internal Market Information System (IMI) shall ensure that information about the Transfer Authorisations of Firearms between Member States is exchanged electronically.

With IMI, Competent Authorities will be able to:

  • Notify a prior consent, which is the authorisation to purchase or acquire firearms from another Member State
  • Notify an authorisation to transfer firearms to another Member State
  • Record the list of firearms for the transfer of which a prior consent is not required

Transfer of Firearms & IMI - Facts and figures

  • Transfer of Firearms is the 16th legal area supported by IMI.
  • This new policy area introduces 2 new IMI modules and 3 forms in IMI:
    1. A repository module with a simple form for the list of firearms for which prior consent is not required
    2. A notification module with forms for prior consents and transfer authorisations
  • By 3rd of September all Member States have registered their Central Authorities and 217 competent authorities for the new modules
  • The IMI interface for the new modules is translated to all official EU languages
  • The first notifications of prior consents and transfer authorisations were already sent in IMI a few minutes after the launch of the new modules

Legal acts related to the pilot project

  • Delegated Regulation (EU) 2019/686 of 16 January 2019 laying down the detailed arrangements under Council Directive 91/477/EEC for the systematic exchange, by electronic means, of information relating to the transfer of firearms within the Union
  • Commission Implementing Decision (EU) 2019/689 of 16 January 2019 on a pilot project to implement certain administrative cooperation provisions set out in Council Directive 91/477/EEC by means of the Internal Market Information System


Prístup do systému IMI

Do informačného systému o vnútornom trhu (IMI) majú prístup len registrovaní používatelia.

Tréningový systém IMI

Ak nemáte skúsenosti so systémom IMI a chceli by ste si ho vyskúšať, využite náš tréningový systém.

Najskôr sa však musíte zaregistrovať.

Ešte nie ste zaregistrovaní?

Vašu žiadosť o registráciu schvaľuje národný koordinátor IMI. O registráciu v systéme IMI môžu požiadať len príslušné orgány.