Presentations from the Coordinators' and Action Leaders' Meeting 2020

  • William MEJIA profile
    William MEJIA
    8 June 2020 - updated 10 months ago
    Total votes: 0

The Coordinators’ and Action Leaders’ Meeting 2020 was held as online meetings over 4 days. The core meetings took place on 3 and 5 June 2020.

Day 1 (3 June) presented the state of play of the UAEU, allowed an open dialogue on challenges and concerns, and presented the European Urban Initiative. The main focus of Day 2 (5 June) was on the future of the UAEU and included a collective brainstorming session on the best way to tackle the main points outlined in the UAEU Assessment Study.

Two additional technical sessions were organised on 10 and 12 June 2020. The first focused on the new support package for the implementation of actions and the second was dedicated to the Vienna Partnerships (Security in Public Spaces and Culture and Cultural Heritage).

All the presentations from the sessions are acessible via the links above.