Health Leads

  • Miguel García G... profile
    Miguel García G...
    23 October 2018 - updated 2 years ago
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About the innovator

Health Leads is venture development company focused on digital health. We target  innovations that are patient and citizen focused. Considering the fact that healthcare innovations generally take (too) long to reach maturity because of the inherent rigidity of the current healthcare system we tend to look at innovations that have the potential to change or even disrupt the current inefficient and costly healthcare system ‘from the outside in’ with the following characteristics; preventative, enhancing transparency and empowering patients.

PreventIT on Facebook.

What is the innovation

Within PreventiT technologies have been developed for predicting and preventing functional decline in the young elderly. The successful LiFE intervention delivery uses smartphones and smartwatches (eLiFE) and provides timely encouraging messages and feedback. Instructions are provided through videos and text within the PreventIT app and participants can monitor their strength, balance and physical activities. For this group also the Risk Screening Tool offers an objective and standardized prediction model for the markers of functional decline. TRL level 5.

Out of the lab. Into the market

For both the PreventIT solution and the Risk Screening Tool Health leads has conducted extensive primary and secondary market research by interviewing
potential end users, conducted meetings with market parties in the Silver Economy, investors, insurance companies active in digital health. Next step is to introduce the systems to existing market parties and to gauge their interest in further developing the technology to market readiness. Further development and research are needed to bring this to the next level.

Benefits of participation in the Framework Programme

For Health Leads the Framework Programma gave us the opportunity to learn from the Silver Economy major stakeholders, in particular scientists working on next level technologies, as well as organisations in the market offering. In our view this is the field of digital health is a next new frontier of innovation, where by smart technologies new business models offer a win-win situation for users, payors and innovative companies like Health Leads. This innovation was funded via H2020 project PreventIT.

Team behind the innovation



/futurium/en/file/ Improving health and active aging with mobile technology