FET Proactive consultation


We aim to place Europe at the forefront of novel themes in emergent personalized nanomedicine. We are building communities within Europe to design and develop transformative research themes for...


The big picture. Blockchain technologies have a strong transformational potential. Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies, currently the most well-known blockchain based applications, enable the...


The big picture: Microfluidics is the technology of fluids manipulation on micro or nanometer scales. It is a multidisciplinary field borrowing from condensed matter physics, micro and nanotechnology...


The big picture: Describe your vision for a game-changing future technology. Why is it new? What difference would it make for Europe's economy, society and citizens? The textile industry represents...


Quantum phenomena in nanophotonics systems lead to new scales of quantum complexity and constitute the starting point for developing technologies that deliver quantum-enhanced performances. This...


Spintronic/CMOS hybrid systems are an emerging technology that can revolutionise computing systems in the widest sense, predominantly with respect to storage and power requirements. Spintronics uses...
