FET Proactive consultation


Global Systems Science (GSS) is about all the issues that affect our lifes globally. Examples for it are pandemia, global financial flows, refugees and migration, ... GSS have to be investigated. We...


A fundamental requirement of conservation is to monitor wildlife populations, yet funding limitations mean conservation managers worldwide forgo this. Consequently, they have insufficient or poor...


I have long believed that we will not "save the planet" solely by replacing light bulbs and driving a Prius. In November 2015, about a month before the Paris COP21 meeting, I attended a conference at...


Similar to the Material Genome Initiative ( https://www.mgi.gov/ ) this FET ProActive call would allow a multi- and inter-disciplinary effort in order to develop new materials aimed at specific tasks...


Much remains to be done to understand biocircuits and apply this kowledge to making neuroimplants to provide novel therapies for functional neurological disease and chronic disease. Biosensors and...
