Spin: Advancing the art of electronics

  • Thomas Thomson profile
    Thomas Thomson
    30 April 2016 - updated 4 years ago
    Total votes: 21

Spintronic/CMOS hybrid systems are an emerging technology that can revolutionise computing systems in the widest sense, predominantly with respect to storage and power requirements. Spintronics uses a combination of highly engineered nanoscale magnetic materials to generate, manipulate and detect spin currents. This offers alternative methods for storing and processing information as well as creating highly sensitive detectors. Incorporating these new materials into hybrid systems is a technology which is in a state of infancy with the global research interest following a rising trajectory. Combining spintronics and CMOS offers significant potential to advance green computing, as such systems require zero energy for maintaining stored data which is increasingly important with the ongoing proliferation of portable electronic devices, the tremendous growth of big data, and the Internet of Things.