Public Procurement Public Feedback starts on Monday 11 June

  • Ivana (Communic... profile
    Ivana (Communic...
    7 June 2018 - updated 2 years ago
    Total votes: 1

The online Public Feedback of the Innovative and Responsible Public Procurement Partnership will kick-off on Monday 11 June 2018 and will last for at least 6 weeks, until 5 August. This would be the unique opportunity for the public to contribute to the draft actions from the Draft Action Plan.


The Partnership formalised 7 actions, namely:

  1. Guidance on building city strategic procurement and how to manage strategic procurement (Action 2.1.1)
  2. Measuring spend and wider impact in European Cities (Action 2.1.2)
  3. Recommendation(s) for future EU funding for joint cross-border procurement, procurement of innovation, strategic procurement in particular social procurement and circular procurement (Action 2.1.3)
  4. Innovation procurement broker (Action 2.2.1)
  5. Legal handbook innovative public procurement (Action 2.3.1)
  6. Develop a flexible and customisable concept for Local Competence Centres for innovative and sustainable procurement (Action 2.3.2)
  7. Competence building in circular procurement (Action 2.3.3)

Moreover, the Partnership produced the Public Feedback Summary with all 7 actions and it is available in 6 European languages: English, German, French, Dutch, Italian and Bulgarian.


Have your say on the Public Procurement actions and join the Public Feedback until 5 August 2018!

IMPORTANT: Join the Public Feedback by choosing the Public Feedback Summary in your language.

In the Action Plan section, you will find a Public Feedback description (summary) of the ideas developed by the Partnership available in 6 European languages. These Summaries contain buttons to give your feedback. You can give feedback on one or more actions and also on the Draft Action Plan as a whole.


See also:

Draft Action Plan

About the Public Feedback