About the Public Feedback

The Urban Agenda for the EU is a multi-level and multi-stakeholder initiative that strives to involve cities and urban authorities to achieve Better Regulation, Better Funding and Better Knowledge for urban policy in Europe.

Each open Partnership covers one of the priority themes identified in the Pact of Amsterdam and consists of around 15 to 20 partners representing EU Member States and Partner States, urban authorities, European institutions and organisations, and other stakeholders.

During their around three-year duration, all Partnerships formulate and implement an Action Plan. The actions are regarded as non-binding contributions to the design and revision of legislation, instruments and initiatives.

Once the draft Action Plan is available, a six-week Public Feedback takes place. Everyone is invited to provide comments on one or several of the draft actions via an online survey tool, which is accessible via the Futurium online platform.

The results of the online Public Feedback will be taken into consideration by the members of the Partnerships for the preparation of the final version of the Action Plan, which will be presented to the DG meeting on urban matters held once every EU presidency. 

Contributions are sought from individuals and national authorities, intergovernmental and nongovernmental organisations, social partners and civil society, academic institutions, financial institutions, international organisations, EU institutions and agencies, based in EU Member States or third countries. 

How can I participate?

You can contribute to this Public Feedback by filling out the online questionnaire on EU SURVEY (not registration needed). The individual contributions to this Public Feedback will not be published on the Internet. You will be able to choose between providing your personal details or submitting your contribution anonymously. Replies may preferably be submitted in English. 

The dedicated Action Plan sections of the Partnerships on this website contain all key information about the (draft or final) actions and the Public Feedback. 


The information and views contained in the online Public Feedback are those of the Partnerships and do not reflect the official opinion of the European Commission. The Commission does not guarantee the accuracy of the information contained therein. Neither the Commission nor any person acting on the Commission’s behalf may be held responsible for the content and the use which may be made of the information contained therein.

Contact details

Secretariat of the Urban Agenda, Communications Team: UA.communication@ecorys.com