Eleven countries on board for testing digitally-signed credentials

  • Maxine Sundara profile
    Maxine Sundara
    18 April 2019 - updated 2 years ago
    Total votes: 0

Eleven countries have expressed interest in pilot testing of the technical framework for Europass digital credentials. The following countries responded to an invitation from the European Commission in March 2019 to test the framework:

  • Czechia,
  • Germany, 
  • Estonia, 
  • Greece, 
  • Croatia,
  • Italy, 
  • Luxembourg, 
  • Netherlands, 
  • Portugal, 
  • Slovenia and 
  • Slovakia.

The European Commission is currently developing the technical framework for Europass Digital Credentials as part of the new Europass. This framework is listed as one of the actions in the Digital Education Action Plan and responds to the shift from paper- based credentials to digital ones. It will support easier authentication of different types of learning achievements across the EU.

The digitally-signed credentials framework includes a set of digital tools and standards for issuing, storing and verifying learning credentials. It intends to find compatibility with existing national or regional initiatives. The Commission will work with the interested countries to support the testing in line with national practices for different types of qualifications.

Updates and more information on the framework will be posted in the coming months on this website.