Consultation results | new Europass homepage and profile

  • Maxine Sundara profile
    Maxine Sundara
    13 March 2019 - updated 2 years ago
    Total votes: 0

The results of the online consultation with stakeholders on the  new Europass homepage and profile are here!

Overall, there was positive feedback on the mock-ups. In particular, the first impression on the e-Profile and the process to update it had a majority of respondents forming a good or very good impression.  

Respondents were especially interested in how the e-Profile would support Europass users to describe their soft skills such as career management skills and their different types of learning experiences.

Respondents offered suggestions on ways to improve the e-Profile such as the:

  • need for tutorials and guidelines;
  • flexibility to personalise the profile; and
  • suggestions on the look and feel such as making headings more distinct.

There was a clear message that the Homepage should be more relatable and visually dynamic to mark a new phase of Europass.

There was a variety of feedback on the CV templates, showing the demand for more choice of templates. There were some suggestions to make the templates more visual, allow further personalisation and to add and delete content.

All of the feedback received will be factored into next iterations of the Homepage, Profile and CV template options that will be tested with users.