New publication: The Partnership's recommendations for improving cities' use of and access to integration funding

  • Lea Scheurer profile
    Lea Scheurer
    6 March 2018 - updated 3 years ago
    Total votes: 0

Cities in arrival, transit and destination countries in Europe are in a central position regarding the social, humanitarian and financial challenges caused by migration. For various reasons, cities continue to encounter problems in accessing EU funds for integration.

In the context of the European Commission’s observation in its Report to the Council on the Urban Agenda for the EU that "EU institutions, Member States, cities and stakeholders should examine how to implement their actions falling within their competence", the Partnership on the Inclusion of Migrants and Refugees has adopted recommendations on better access to funding.

The paper describes existing barriers in cities' access to EU funds for integration and gives recommendations for better access to integration funding in the post-2020 programming period. In this way, the paper is intended to contribute to the general discussion on better funding, as set out in the Pact of Amsterdam, and to the current debate on the post-2020 EU budget. 

Download the recommendations paper from the Library. All proposed actions by the Partnership are summarised in the final Action Plan.