

Logo of the Partnership on Inclusion of Migrants and Refugees


The objectives of the Partnership are to manage the integration of incoming migrants and refugees (extra-EU) and to provide a framework for their inclusion. This covers housing, integration, the provision of public services, social inclusion, education, and labour market measures.

The Partnership focuses on five themes: housing, community building & reception, education, work, and the cross-cutting theme of vulnerable groups. 

During the first year (until June 2017), the Partnership identified the bottlenecks and potentials to determine the Action Plan's focus areas, based on in-depth research and analytical work and related to a) EU regulation affecting the inclusion of migrants and refugees, b) better use and allocation of EU funding, and c) better use of data/research. 

Based on this work, the members of the Partnership put forward eight Actions, summarised in the final Action Plan. They range from the protection of unaccompanied minors to better access to EU integration funding and desegregation in education.

/futurium/en/file/inclusion-migrants-and-refugees-partnership-explainedThe Inclusion of Migrants and Refugees Partnership Explained


During the second year of the Partnership (until May 2018), the Members connected with relevant stakeholders to implement the actions as formulated in the Action Plan.

The focus of the last semester of 2018 was the evaluation of the Partnership and presentations of the main results and lessons learned.

In late 2018, the Partnership agreed to extend the common work throughout 2019 to secure the implementation of Actions.

The Partnership meets four times per year and initiates relevant other meetings (seminars, conferences, working visits) and meetings that are of particular importance to the Partnership (such as the political round-table initiative of the European Commission).

More information with regard to EU legislation, policies, strategies, studies, funding, project examples on the topic of Inclusion of Migrants and Refugees can be found at the One-Stop-Shop.

For questions and feedback, please contact UA.communication@ecorys.com