7th Nordic Geographers Meeting: Geographies of inequalities, Stockholm

  • Lea Scheurer profile
    Lea Scheurer
    3 March 2017 - updated 3 years ago
    Total votes: 0
Date & time: 
Sunday, 18 June, 2017 - 10:00 to Wednesday, 21 June, 2017 - 18:00

The topic for the 7th Nordic Geographers Meeting is: Where are we now? What are the important challenges we have to deal with today? What kinds of spatial and social differences are the most urgent to try to understand? Do we have operational concepts for analysing today’s inequalities or do we need conceptual improvements? Do we have the methodological tools or is there a need for new approaches?

Suggestions of topics to address at the meeting include social, economic and ethnic segregation; social and economic consequences of migration; geographical gender analysis; climate change; geographies of learning.

Keynotes: http://www.humangeo.su.se/english/ngm-2017/programme/keynotes