First and successful EDCI webinar for vendors

  • Hrvoje GRGANOVIC profile
    Hrvoje GRGANOVIC
    31 July 2020 - updated 9 months ago
    Total votes: 3

On Wednesday, 29 July 2020, the Europass Team of DG EMPL has organised a successful webinar to present the European Digital Credential Infrastructure (EDCI). The webinar was attended by over 70 commercial organisations that are interested in issuing, storing or receiving digitally-signed credentials. The live webinar:

  • presented EDCI and its benefits, as well as an overview of the policy context around Europass Digital credentials,
  • highlighted some of the key technical features of EDCI and its interoperability,
  • presented the early adopters' programme, designed to support organisations in integrating EDCI to their digital eco-system.

If you missed the webinar, please find the Link to the recording of the webinar here (Password: UuNPm3fC), you can also find our EDCI presentation in the library.

For more information, please get in touch with