European Association of Institutions in Higher Education (EURASHE) and Europass | Stakeholder outreach

  • Maxine Sundara profile
    Maxine Sundara
    14 May 2019 - updated 2 years ago
    Total votes: 1

The Europass team met with representatives from the European Association of Institutions in Higher Education (EURASHE) on 29 April. The aim of the meeting was to see how the new Europass platform can cater to the specific needs of higher education institutions.  The meeting also provided an opportunity to gain insights into the perspective of universities.
EURASHE is already using the Europass and supports the inclusion of validation of prior learning in the new framework. They recommend communicating the framework for digitally-signed credentials to:

  • universities,
  • the ENIC-NARIC network, and
  • organisations working on quality assurance processes in higher education.

The above stakeholders will be able to support the process of issuing digital credentials.
They also suggested exploring synergies between Europass and EURASHE in the context of graduate tracking.
EURASHE was ready to provide input on content development (in particular recognition of prior learning and qualifications frameworks). They are also interested in taking part in user testing of the new platform.