Europass Western Cluster Meeting report

  • Maxine Sundara profile
    Maxine Sundara
    8 May 2019 - updated 2 years ago
    Total votes: 0

The European Commission attended a Europass Western Cluster Meeting hosted by the French National Europass Centre (NEC) on 8 and 9 April 2019 in Bordeaux, France. Representatives from other NECs: Austria, United Kingdom, Netherlands, Germany,  Switzerland, Ireland, Luxembourg and two from Belgium (representing Flanders and  Wallonia regions) as well as Cedefop, attended the meeting.

The Commission presented updates on ongoing work including:

The NECs requested that the Commission share as much information as possible with them, including planned events/activities in participating countries as well as the work of the Europass AG. They also advised on the importance of having effective testing of the Europass platform by representatives of all potential users with sufficient time for preparation.

The NECs presented updates from a number of working groups (WG) including the Communications and Promotion WG, certificate supplement WG, innovation WG, and the Europass Mobility EG.

The European Commission will also participate in the next meeting of the Europass Mobility WG to be held during the annual meeting of Europass Centres at Budapest in June.