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Yianna Danidou


Personal Information

Country of residence
  • English
  • Greek


European University Cyprus
Academic and researcher
Lecturer in Cybersecurity

Areas of Expertise

Cybersecurity knowledge domains
  • Data Security and Privacy
  • Education and Training
  • Legal aspects
  • Security Management and Governance
  • Safety and Security
  • Academia
Technologies and use cases
  • Artificial intelligence
  • Border and external security
  • Critical Infrastructure Protection (CIP)
  • Fight against crime and terrorism
  • Information systems
  • Internet of Things, embedded systems, pervasive systems
Activities of interest
Expert groups, lectures
Job seeker
Yianna is a PhD in Law and IT from the University of Edinburgh and she holds an M.Sc. degree in Advanced Computing – Internet Technologies from the University of Bristol, UK and a B.Sc. Computer Science degree from the University of Cyprus. She is a Lecturer in Cybersecurity at the European University Cyprus, as well as a Research Associate of the Centre of Excellence in Risk and Decision Science (CeRiDeS).
Her main field of interest is the interaction between law, science and computer technologies specifically cybercrime and cybersecurity, forensics and crime prevention, electronic evidences, trust and reliance liability and ethical issues raising from technology. She has published a number of journal articles in peer-reviewed journals; and she has attended a number of conferences and seminars both as a participant and as a presenter.
She is often invited to participate as a cybersecurity expert in EU-funded research projects in the areas of privacy, data protection, cybersecurity and give talks and seminars on matters concerning the aforementioned areas. Furthermore, she is organizing and/or speaking at conferences including seminars and workshops on various cybersecurity, privacy, information security topics with an emphasis on legal issues pertaining to technology and teaches computer science and cybersecurity courses at undergraduate, postgraduate and doctorate level.
She publishes in international scientific peer reviewed journals and books mainly in the areas of EU data protection and privacy law, and cybersecurity.
[1] Y. Danidou and B. Schafer, “Legal environments for digital trust: Trustmarks, trusted computing and the issue of legal liability,” J. Int. Commer. Law Technol., vol. 7, no. 3, pp. 212–222, 2012.
[2] Y. Danidou, “Trusted Computing Initiative on the Spectrum of EU Cyber-Security Legal Framework,” in EU Internet Law in the Digital Era: Regulation and Enforcement, T.-E. Synodinou, P. Jougleux, C. Markou, and T. Prastitou, Eds. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2020, pp. 277–296.
[3] D. Danidou, Y., Dimopoulos, C., Dobrinkova, N., Efstathiou, N., Finnie, T., Galatas, I., Gkotsis, I., Heckel, M., Kostaridis, A., Moutzouris, M., Olunczek, A., Panunzi, S., Psaroudakis, C., Seynaeve, G., Thiraios, M., Tsekeridou, S., Vergeti, “Implementation of the IMPRESS project platform in real test case scenarios,” in CMDR COE 2017 (CMDR COE ANNUAL CONFERENCE INTERAGENCY INTERACTION IN CRISIS MANAGEMENT AND DISASTER RESPONSE 2017), 2017.
[4] N. Dobrinkova et al., “Optimisation of Preparedness and Response of Health Services in Major Crises Using the IMPRESS Platform,” in Recent Advances in Computational Optimization: Results of the Workshop on Computational Optimization WCO 2017, S. Fidanova, Ed. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2019, pp. 15–34.
[5] G. Danidou, I., Dimopoulos, C., Shiakou, L., Boustras, “IMPRESS: Καινοτομικό Εργαλείο Διαχείρισης Κρίσεων (in Greek),” in SafeEvros 2016, 2016.
[6] C. Danidou, Y., Mitrou, L., Markou C., Shakou, L., Boustras G., Dimopoulos, “OSH , Ethical , legal and data protection issues arising from a technology and development project to improve preparedness and response of health services in major crises,” in Next Generation Community Policing (NGCP 2017), 2017.
[7] I. Danidou, “Trusted computing or trust in computing?: legislating for trust networks,” ProQuest Dissertations Publishing, 2015.
[8] Y. Danidou and B. Schafer, “Legal environments for Digital trust: Trustmark, Trusted Computing and the issue of Legal liability,” J. Milt. campos Sch. law, vol. 23, pp. 197–220, 2011.
[9] Y. Danidou and B. Schafer, “‘Trust me, I’m a computer’ – Trusted Computing and the law between liability and responsibility,” Inf. Commun. Technol. Law, vol. 20, no. 3, pp. 185–199, 2011.
[10] Y. Danidou and B. Schafer, “In Law We Trust? Trusted Computing and Legal Responsibility for Internet Security,” in Emerging Challenges for Security, Privacy and Trust, vol. 297, D. Gritzalis and J. Lopez, Eds. Springer Boston, 2009, pp. 399–409.
[11] Y. Danidou and B. Schafer, “Trusted Computing and the Digital Crime Scene,” Digit. Evid. Elec. Signat. L. Rev., vol. 8, pp. 111–123, 2011.
[12] Y. Danidou and M. A. Charlesworth, “Legal Implications of Trusted Computing,” University of Bristol, Bristol, 2006.
[13] Y. Danidou, “Legal Implications of Trusted Computing,” Proceedings of the 22nd British and Irish Law, Education and Technology Association (BILETA). Hertfordshire, UK, 2007.
Online presence

Tiziana Catarci

Tiziana Catarci

Personal Information

Country of residence
  • English
  • Italian


Sapienza University of Roma
Academic and researcher
Department Chair

Areas of Expertise

Cybersecurity knowledge domains
Human aspects
  • Digital Services and Platforms
  • Government
  • Manufacturing and supply chain
Technologies and use cases
  • Big data
  • Human Machine Interface (HMI)
  • Information systems
Activities of interest
lectures, interviews, expert groups, panels
Job seeker
My name is Tiziana Catarci and I am full professor in Computer Science and Engineering at Sapienza University of Roma (http://www.diag.uniroma1.it/users/catarcidisuniroma1it), director of the Department of Computer, Control, and Management Engineering “Antonio Ruberti” (DIAG), and director of the ECONA Interuniversity Research Centre on the Cognitive Processing in Natural and Artificial Systems.
During the past years I covered several different roles. For instance, during 2010-14 I have been Sapienza vice-rector for technologies and infrastructures and during 2009-2014 president of the Sapienza ICT service center. Later on, I chaired the Sapienza Design Research center and during 2015-2017 I have been the president of KION, a private company of the Cineca group.
My main research interests are in theoretical and application-oriented aspects of visual formalisms for databases, human-computer interaction, user interfaces, usability, smart environments, information visualization, data management, data quality and digital libraries. Recently, I started working on human factors in cybersecurity since DIAG is one of the Italian “departments of excellence” (https://www.miur.gov.it/dipartimenti-di-eccellenza) with a special focus on cybersecurity. In summary, my main interests are around a human-centered view of computer science.
On the above topics I have published over 200 papers in international journals, conferences and workshop proceedings, and 20 books (see https://dblp.org/pers/c/Catarci:Tiziana.html
for a significant subset). In particular, my contribution can be regarded as one of the first and most significant examples of deep analysis and formalization of the interaction between the user and the database, which takes in consideration both usability issues and various database related aspects.
I am the Editor-in-Chief of the ACM Journal of Data and Information Quality and I am in the editorial boards of other international journals. I also co-chaired many important international conferences in both database and hci areas. Several years ago, I worked with a group of colleagues to establish the Italian Chapter of the ACM Special Interest Group on Computer-Human Interaction.
In the last years I have been spending a significant part of my time in combating gender disparities and promoting the STEM disciplines among female students by promoting dedicated projects at both school and university level and acting as role-model for “Inspiring Girls” (http://www.inspiring-girls.com/) and other initiatives.
Throughout my career I received some awards and honors, including the IBM Eclipse Innovation Award in 2003, the honor of “Commendatore” of the Italian Republic in 2015, the Levi Montalcini Association award for the "diffusion of scientific culture among younger generations" in 2017, the fellowship of the EAI – European Alliance for Innovation in 2018. In 2016 I have been nominated member of the prestigious European Academy of Sciences and Arts and in the same year I have been included among the “100 Women for Science” project - http://www.100esperte.it/. In 2018 I have been nominated as one of the “InspiringFifty”, https://italy.inspiringfifty.org/ , the most influential women in the tech world.

A significant subset of publications is at https://dblp.org/pers/c/Catarci:Tiziana.html
Online presence
I am tiziana catarci on FB https://www.facebook.com/tiziana.catarci, catarci1 on twitter
tiziana catarci on linkedin https://www.linkedin.com/in/tiziana-catarci-3b8634/?originalSubdomain=it



Personal Information

Country of residence
  • Dutch
  • English


EU Agency for Cybersecurity
Policy maker
Personal Assistant to the Executive Director

Areas of Expertise

Cybersecurity knowledge domains
  • Education and Training
  • Human aspects
  • Incident Handling and Digital Forensics
  • Legal aspects
Technologies and use cases
  • Artificial intelligence
  • Critical Infrastructure Protection (CIP)
  • Internet of Things, embedded systems, pervasive systems
  • Vehicular Systems (e.g. autonomous vehicles)
Activities of interest
Interested in speaking opportunities, testimonials, lectures, interviews, expert groups, etc.)
Job seeker
EU policy and communications expert working at the EU Agency for Cybersecurity in Athens, Greece.
I support and provide policy advise and strategic outreach with the EU Institutions, agencies and bodies, Member States and the wider community and furthermore I prepare public communication and media activities around cybersecurity issues.
Online presence
Twitter @GroovyHeuvy
LinkedIn https://www.linkedin.com/in/laura-heuvinck-63788217

Flavia Montanile

Flavia Montanile

Personal Information

Country of residence
  • English
  • Italian


HQ Target
  • Policy maker
  • Operational
  • Academic and researcher

Areas of Expertise

Cybersecurity knowledge domains
  • Data Security and Privacy
  • Education and Training
  • Human aspects
  • Security Management and Governance
  • Defence
  • Government
  • Health
  • Manufacturing and supply chain
  • Telecomm Infrastructure
Technologies and use cases
  • Disaster resilience and crisis management
  • Information systems
Activities of interest
Speaking opportunities, interviews, expert groups, cybersecurity in health and critical infrastructure
Job seeker
Flavia Montanile is a process management consultant for HQ Target. She graduated in 2016 in "Neuropsychomothor therapy of the developmentale age" at the University of Rome; she enriched her studies with a master's degree in 2020. Since 2017 she is increasingly involved in the family business, participating in various projects (ISO and GDPR). In 2020 she has obtained the qualifications of Lead Auditor for the ISO 9001 and 27001 schemes.
She is coauthor of "Un modello per la sicurezza dei dati personali nell’era digitale", an operational guide on privacy, result of the cooperation with his father Massimo Montanile.
Talented for multidisciplinarrity, determined and flexible, she has managed to combine her two professional worlds for some years.
Co-author: "Un modello per la sicurezza dei dati personali nell'era digitale"
Online presence

Alessia Livan

Alessia Livan

Personal Information

Country of residence
  • English
  • French
  • German
  • Italian
  • Spanish


System Analyst

Areas of Expertise

Cybersecurity knowledge domains
  • Incident Handling and Digital Forensics
  • Legal aspects
  • Network and Distributed Systems
  • SIEM
Technologies and use cases
  • Big data
  • Critical Infrastructure Protection (CIP)
Activities of interest
IT Certifications, Programming, Setting up computers, Innovate
Job seeker
High School diploma in Foreign Languages. Near-graduate (M.A.) in Law.
1 year experienced Cybersecurity Analyst @ Accenture Security (internship).
Online presence
