
Fruit Reproductive Material Information System

Official bodies

  • Croatian Center for Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs - Institute for Seed and Seedlings
    TEL: +385 4629240
    email: zsr@hcphs.hr
    URL: https://www.hcphs.hr/croatian-center-for-agriculture-food-and-rural-affairs/
  • National Food Chain Safety Office
    TEL: +36 1 212 0904; +36 1 336 9297
    email: mgei@nebih.gov.hu: mgeivetomag@nebih.gov.hu
    URL: http://portal.nebih.gov.hu/
  • Department of Agriculture Food and the Marine
    TEL: +353 15058759
    email: planthealth@agriculture.gov.ie
    URL: http://www.agriculture.gov.ie/farmingsectors/horticulture/
  • Ministero delle Politiche Agricole Alimentari e Forestali
    TEL: +39 0646656196
    email: cosvir5@pec.politicheagricole.gov.it
    URL: https://www.politicheagricole.it/flex/cm/pages/ServeBLOB.php/L/IT/IDPagina/13946
  • State Plant Service under the Ministry of Agriculture
    TEL: +370 5 373 4695
    email: info@vatzum.lt
    URL: http://www.vatzum.lt/
  • Administration des Services Techniques de l’Agriculture – Service de l’Horticulture
    TEL: +352 4571721
    email: horticulture@asta.etat.lu
    URL: https://agriculture.public.lu/de/dienststellen/asta.html
  • Ministry of Agriculture - State Plant Protection Service
    TEL: +371 67027098; +371 67027406
    email: info@vaad.gov.lv
    URL: http://www.vaad.gov.lv/
  • Ministry for the Environment, Sustainable Development and Climate Change - Plant Protection Directorate
    TEL: +356 22926535
    email: plantprotection.mesdc@gov.mt
    URL: https://agriculture.gov.mt/en/phd/Pages/home.aspx
  • Naktuinbouw
    TEL: +31 713326161
    email: directie@naktuinbouw.nl
    URL: https://www.naktuinbouw.nl/
  • Main Inspectorate of Plant Health and Seed Inspection
    TEL: +48 226529290
    email: gi@piorin.gov.pl
    URL: http://piorin.gov.pl/
  • Direção-Geral de Alimentação e Veterinária
    TEL: +35 13613200
    email: secdssv@dgav.pt
    URL: http://www.dgv.min-agricultura.pt/portal/page/portal/DGV
  • State Institute for Variety Testing and Registration
    TEL: +40 213184380
    email: secretariat@istis.ro
    URL: http://www.istis.ro/
  • Swedish Board of Agriculture
    TEL: +46 36155000
    email: vaxtsort@jordbruksverket.se
    URL: http://www.jordbruksverket.se/
  • Administration of the Republic of Slovenia for Food Safety, Veterinary Sector and Plant Protection
    TEL: +386 1 300 1300
    email: gp.uvhvvr@gov.si
    URL: www.uvhvvr.gov.si
  • Agricultural Technical and Testing Institute in Bratislava
    TEL: +42 1 259880200
    email: uksup@uksup.sk ; osivoba@uksup.sk
    URL: http://www.uksup.sk/
  • Bundesamt für Ernährungssicherheit
    TEL: +43 5 05 55 32358
    email: pflanzgut@baes.gv.at
    URL: https://www.baes.gv.at/
    Departement Landbouw en Visserij
    TEL: +32 2 552 74 56
    URL: https://lv.vlaanderen.be/nl/voorlichting-info/voorlichting
    Direction générale opérationnelle Agriculture, Ressources naturelles et Environnement
    TEL: +32 81 64 95 98
    URL: https://www.wallonie.be/fr/acteurs-et-institutions/wallonie/service-public-de-wallonie/spw-agriculture-ressources-naturelles-et-environnement
    Ministère de la région de Bruxelles Capitale
  • Executive Agency of Variety Testing, Field Inspection and Seed Control
    TEL: +359 28700375
    email: iasas@iasas.government.bg
    URL: http://iasas.government.bg/bg/index.html
  • Department of Agriculture, Ministry of Agriculture, Rural Development and Environment
    TEL: +357 22408519
    email: inspection@da.moa.gov.cy
    URL: http://www.moa.gov.cy/moa/da/da.nsf/index_gr/index_gr?opendocument
  • Central Institute for Supervision and Testing in Agriculture in Brno - Department of Perennial Plants
    TEL: +420 543548271
    email: ukzuz@ukzuz.cz
    URL: http://eagri.cz/public/web/ukzuz/portal
  • Bundessortenamt (Federal Plant Variety Office)
    TEL: +49 51195665630
    email: postfach.refp1@bundessortenamt.de
    URL: https://www.bundessortenamt.de/bsa/
  • The Danish Agrifish Agency - Ministry of Environment and Food
    TEL: +45 33 95 80 00
    email: planter@lbst.dk
    URL: https://lbst.dk/
  • Estonian Agricultural Board
    TEL: +37 2 6712 641
    email: taimetervis@pma.agri.ee
    URL: https://www.pma.agri.ee/index.php?main=1
  • Directorate of Plant Genetic Resources and Propagation Material of Cultivated Plants
    TEL: +30 2108205351
    email: ax2u005@minagric.gr
    URL: http://www.minagric.gr/index.php/el/for-farmer-2/crop-production/polylikomenu
  • Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food
    TEL: +34 913476659
    email: mpayoevv@mapa.es
    URL: http://www.mapama.gob.es/es/agricultura/temas/medios-de-produccion/semillas-y-plantas-de-vivero/
  • Finnish Food Safety Authority
    TEL: +358 29 530 0400
    email: planthealth@ruokavirasto.fi
    URL: https://www.ruokavirasto.fi
  • Certification Fruitière et Plants Truffiers
    TEL: + 33 4 66 01 10 54
    email: info@ctifl.fr
    URL: http://www.ctifl.fr/
  • Bundesamt für Ernährungssicherheit
    TEL: +43 5 05 55 32358
    email: pflanzgut@baes.gv.at
    URL: https://www.baes.gv.at/
    Departement Landbouw en Visserij
    TEL: +32 25527971
    URL: https://lv.vlaanderen.be/nl/voorlichting-info/voorlichting
    Direction générale opérationnelle Agriculture, Ressources naturelles et Environnement
    TEL: +32 81 64 95 98
    URL: https://lv.vlaanderen.be/nl/voorlichting-info/voorlichting
    Ministère de la région de Bruxelles Capitale
  • Executive Agency of Variety Testing, Field Inspection and Seed Control
    TEL: +359 28700375
    email: iasas@iasas.government.bg
    URL: http://iasas.government.bg/bg/index.html
  • Department of Agriculture, Ministry of Agriculture, Rural Development and Environment
    TEL: +357 22408519
    email: director@da.moa.gov.cy
    URL: http://www.moa.gov.cy/moa/agriculture.nsf/index_gr/index_gr?opendocument
  • Central Institute for Supervision and Testing in Agriculture in Brno - Department of Perennial Plants
    TEL: +420 543 548 111
    email: podatelna@ukzuz.cz
    URL: http://eagri.cz/public/web/ukzuz/portal
  • Bundessortenamt (Federal Plant Variety Office)
    TEL: +49 51195665630
    email: Postfach.RefP1@bundessortenamt.de
    URL: https://www.bundessortenamt.de/bsa/
  • The Danish Agrifish Agency -Ministry of Environment and Food
    TEL: +45 33 95 80 00
    email: planter@lbst.dk
    URL: http://agrifish.dk/
  • Põllumajandusamet
    TEL: +372 4351241
    email: taimetervis@pma.agri.ee
    URL: http://jis.agri.ee:22008/Default.aspx?lang=en
  • Directorate of Plant Genetic Resources and Propagation Material of Cultivated Plants
    TEL: +30 2108205351
    email: ax2u005@minagric.gr; varinst@otenet.gr
    URL: http://www.minagric.gr/index.php/el/for-farmer-2/crop-production/polylikomenu
  • Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food
    TEL: +34 913476659
    email: MPAyOEVV@mapa.es
    URL: https://www.mapa.gob.es/app/regVar/default.aspx
  • Finnish Food Safety Authority
    TEL: +358 29 530 0400
    email: pvr@ruokavirasto.fi
    URL: https://www.ruokavirasto.fi
  • Variety and Seed Study and Control Group
    TEL: +33 2 41 22 58 00
    email: contactfruit@geves.fr
    URL: https://www.geves.fr/
  • Croatian Center for Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs - Institute for Pomology
    TEL: +385 1 4646 542
    email: zzv@hcphs.hr
    URL: https://www.hcphs.hr/croatian-center-for-agriculture-food-and-rural-affairs/
  • National Food Chain Safety Office
    TEL: +36 1 212 0904; +36 1 336 9297
    email: mgei@nebih.gov.hu: mgeivetomag@nebih.gov.hu
    URL: http://portal.nebih.gov.hu/
  • Department of Agriculture Food and the Marine
    TEL: +353 15058759
    email: planthealth@agriculture.gov.ie
    URL: http://www.agriculture.gov.ie/farmingsectors/horticulture/
  • Ministero delle Politiche Agricole Alimentari e Forestali
    TEL: +39 0646656196
    email: urp@pec.politicheagricole.gov.it
    URL: https://www.politicheagricole.it/flex/cm/pages/ServeBLOB.php/L/IT/IDPagina/13946
  • State Plant Service under the Ministry of Agriculture
    TEL: +370 52343647
    email: info@vatzum.lt
    URL: http://www.vatzum.lt/
  • Administration des Services Techniques de l’Agriculture – Service de l’Horticulture
    TEL: +352 4571721
    email: horticulture@asta.etat.lu
    URL: https://agriculture.public.lu/de.html
  • State Plant Protection Service: Seed Control Department - Division of Seed Certification and Plant Variety Protection
    TEL: +371 67365569
    email: info@vaad.gov.lv
    URL: www.vaad.gov.lv/sakums/registri/augu-skirnes.aspx
  • Ministry for the Environment, Sustainable Development and Climate Change - Plant Protection Directorate
    TEL: +356 22926535
    email: plantprotection.mesdc@gov.mt
    URL: https://agriculture.gov.mt/en/phd/Pages/home.aspx
  • Raad voor Plantenrassen
    TEL: +31 71 332 6137
    email: teamsupport@rasraad.nl
    URL: www.raadvoorplantenrassen.nl
  • Main Inspectorate of Plant Health and Seed Inspection
    TEL: +48 226529290
    email: gi@piorin.gov.pl
    URL: http://piorin.gov.pl/
  • Direção-Geral de Alimentação e Veterinária
    TEL: +35 13613200
    email: secdssv@dgav.pt
    URL: http://www.dgv.min-agricultura.pt/portal/page/portal/DGV
  • State Institute for Variety Testing and Registration
    TEL: +40 213184380
    email: secretariat@istis.ro
    URL: http://www.istis.ro/
  • Swedish Board of Agriculture
    TEL: +46 36155000
    email: vaxtsort@jordbruksverket.se
    URL: http://www.jordbruksverket.se/
  • Administration of the Republic of Slovenia for Food Safety, Veterinary Sector and Plant Protection
    TEL: +386 1 300 1300
    email: gp.uvhvvr@gov.si
    URL: http//www.uvhvvr.gov.si
  • Agricultural Technical and Testing Institute in Bratislava
    TEL: +421 259880200
    email: uksup@uksup.sk ; odrody@uksup.sk
    URL: http://www.uksup.sk/
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