EU Food Loss and Waste Prevention Hub

Success of the international conference 'Towards Halving Food Waste in Europe'

  • Uploaded on Thursday 27 of June 2024
  • Author(s) Toine Timmermans, Manon Ensink

The only way to achieve SDG12.3 is by accelerating joint efforts to change our food system and eliminate food waste at all levels in the food supply chain. 

On 18 and 19 June 2024, Food Waste Free United organized the international conference 'Towards Halving Food Waste in Europe' at Noordkade Veghel in Noord-Brabant, the Netherlands. This brought together companies, public organizations, civil society and scientific organizations with high ambitions on halving food waste by 2030. During the conference lots of knowledge and inspiration was shared, new coalitions and collaborations were formed and many new connections were made.

Name of organisation : Food Waste Free United / Samen Tegen Voedselverspilling

Contact email:

Further information:

Date of publication: 2024-06-26


Recap international conference Towards Halving Food Waste in Europe
(Info newsletter EU recap.docx - 17KB)


Conference fieldtrips
Conference aftermovie


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