EU Food Loss and Waste Prevention Hub

Call for proposals to create collaborative solutions for the food waste strategies development

  • Uploaded on Monday 27 of May 2024
  • Author(s) Vivien Bodereau

Objective: We are selecting one organization from a Southern RIS country to generate and disseminate valuable outcomes about Food Waste.

This work will be carried out considering the expertise of the members of our Expert Community (see above the AFEC definition) and the experience and reach of the RIS Policy Council members from Southern Countries.

Scope of Work: The selected company will work closely with the EIT Food team, representatives from each relevant country, and experts in food waste to:

  • Review of the expert portfolio and selection of those with relevant expertise in Food Waste reduction
  • Review and meet first-hand the members of RIS Policy Counsil belonging to Southern Countries (Portugal, Spain, Italy, Malta, Cyprus, Greece and Türkiye)
  • Design and implement a methodology for the creation of a valuable outcome, based on the work with AFEC experts and the Council members.
  • Find companies and organisations with best or inspiring practices for the Food Waste reduction and engage them to take part in the outcome.
  • Communicate adequately the outcome to the relevant audiences on 29th September 20241 (among others).
Expected Outcomes:

  • EIT Food is open to listed for different formulas of outcome. Independently of the chosen formula, the outcome must be grounded in the knowledge of the AFEC selected members and the RIS Policy Counsil members potential to impact, as mentioned before.
  • EIT Food expects the outcome to be a useful tool, compiling best practices, success cases, results and recommendations etc for companies, research centres, policymakers, public bodies and authorities for the Food Waste reduction in Southern Europe countries.

Proposal Submission:

Applicants must submit a proposal in English, including relevant information to demonstrate experience and capacity to carry out the work, in accordance with the evaluation criteria set out in the call.

The proposal must be sent in accordance with the instructions in the call, by email to, attaching a PDF file (any format, as long as it contains the information to be evaluated) with the subject :Food waste activity - application form [name of applicant].

Any question about the call must be sent to

Name of organisation : EIT Food

Contact email:

Further information:


Request for external support to generate and deliver valuable outcomes for policymakers working on Food Waste strategies
(CALL-consultancy-company.pdf - 515KB)