EU Food Loss and Waste Prevention Hub

REFRESH Webinar series: voluntary agreements to address food waste

  • Uploaded on Wednesday 07 of August 2024
  • Author(s) Ellen Struthers

Featuring food waste experts from across Europe, the REFRESH Community of Experts (CoE) is pleased to present four webinars from our 2019 series on ‘Tackling Food Waste Across the Supply Chain’. The series demonstrates how policy makers, manufacturers, retailers, distributors, municipalities and many more organisations involved in the food supply chain can effectively address food waste.

Within the second webinar of the series Claire Kneller (Head of Food at WRAP), David Rogers (Head of International Resource Management at WRAP), Dr Simone Piras (Agricultural and Rural Economist at James Hutton Institute), Nora Brüggemann (Project Manager at Collaborating Centre on Sustainable Consumption and Production) and Dr Raquel Diaz-Ruiz (Researcher at Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya) discuss voluntary agreements as a collaborative approach to reduce food waste along the whole supply chain: What causes food waste in the supply chain and how can voluntary agreements address this? What is the role for voluntary agreements vs legislation? What can we learn from voluntary agreements implemented in Europe?

Other webinars in the series:

Adding Value to Food Waste and By-Products (view recording here:

Tackling Consumer Food Waste (webinar taking place 29 April 2019 – 2 pm BST / 3 pm CEST. Register here:

Measuring and Managing Retail Food Waste (webinar taking place 2 May 2019 – 2pm BST / 3 pm CEST. Register here:

Name of organisation : WRAP

Contact email:

Date of publication: 2019-04-17


(REFRESH-Webinar-Slides-Voluntary-Agreements-to-Address-Food-Waste-1.pdf - 2974KB)


REFRESH webinar: Voluntary agreements to address food waste


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