EU Food Loss and Waste Prevention Hub

A new paper was published on household food waste in Italy

  • Uploaded on Monday 22 of May 2023
  • Author(s) Federica Grant, Jacopo Niccolò Di Veroli, Laura Rossi

In the present paper, the results of the first comparative assessment of household food waste in Italy are reported with a timeframe of three years coupled with an evaluation of seasonality effects. To pursue the aim of Sustainable Development Goal 12.3 to halve consumer food waste by 2030, the Italian Observatory on Food Surplus, Recovery, and Waste carried out two surveys in 2021 (July and November) to characterize household food waste and to evaluate the seasonality effects. Data were collected with a validated questionnaire. For monitoring purposes, data collected in July 2021 were compared with those collected in July 2018. In three years, waste increased from 187.2 to 203.8 g per capita per week (p = 0.00). Fresh foods such as fruits and vegetables, bread, milk, yogurt, and non-alcoholic beverages, were the most wasted. In July the level of waste was higher for fruit (p = 0.00) while in November was higher for potato products (p = 0.04), pasta (p = 0.00), rice (p = 0.04), legumes (p = 0.01), and soups (p = 0.04). Data collected in July 2021 showed that retired people (p = 0.04), families with children (p = 0.01), particularly young children (9–13 years old) (p = 0.02), wasted less, while those living in large town areas (p = 0.00), people with self-perceived limited monetary resources (p = 0.01) and monocomponent families (p = 0.00) wasted more. The findings of the present work showed that there are specific population groups that wasted more with a gap between the intentions and the actions. The present data have a particular value posing the roots for the establishment of a food waste surveillance system in Italy.

Name of organisation : CREA Food and Nutrition, Council for Agricultural Research and Economics, Research Centre for Food and Nutrition

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