EU Food Loss and Waste Prevention Hub

Food losses at the slaughter of cattle and pigs

  • Uploaded on Wednesday 30 of November 2022
  • Author(s) Ingrid Strid, Karin Wallin and Elin Stenberg at the Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences. Karin Lindow contact at the Swedish Board of Agriculture.

The survey shows that 13 000 tonnes (42%) of the edible by-products from cattle slaughter and 24 000 tonnes (47%) from pig slaughter were not utilized for food in 2020. The by-products that accounted for the biggest losses in terms of weight were for cattle: blood, omasum - and abomasum, tallow and legs, and for pigs: intestines (without contents), blood and stomach. The majority of the edible by-products from cattle and pigs that was not used for food, was used for biogas production, while only a small share was used for feed (pets and fur animals) or incineration.

The reason why almost half of the by-products was not used for food was that there was no profit. One area of action could be to develop the demand and markets for these by-products, where, according to the meat industry, increasing the export opportunities lies closest at hand. Another measure is to investigate more cost-effective ways of processing the by-products, as for example blood and intestines are costly to handle. The study is performed by researchers at the Swedish University of Agrocultural Sciences on a mission by the Swedish Board of Agriculture. 

Name of organisation : Swedish Board of Agriculture

Contact email:

Further information:

Date of publication: 2022-10-22


Food losses at the slaughter of cattle and pigs
(2208171256-Rapport-Biprodukter-pa-slakterier_Webb.pdf - 1667KB)

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