EU Food Loss and Waste Prevention Hub

Reducing food waste at the local level - Slow Food and Zero Waste Europe guidance for municipalities

  • Uploaded on Wednesday 09 of February 2022
  • Author(s) Pierre Condamine (Zero Waste Europe), Madeleine Coste (Slow Food), Francisca Feiteira (Slow Food)

Municipalities have a great role and responsibility in shaping local food systems and tackling food waste.Developed jointly by Slow Food and Zero Waste Europe, these guidelines aim to illustrate and give concrete examples on what a municipality can do to reduce food waste as part of a wider transition to sustainable food systems including providing financial incentives or financial support to local initiatives, designing regulatory frameworks, but also providing physical spaces, advice, promoting food donations, and raising awareness around the issues of food waste. This document  specifically focuses on which concrete actions municipalities can take but also more broadly, on how they can stimulate local food systems.

Case studies concern Paris and Mouans Sartoux in France, Milan in Italy, Porto in Portugal, Ghent and Bruges in Belgium, more than 300 cities in Czechia, Ljubljana in Slovenia, and Pontevedra in Spain.

Name of organisation : Slow Food and Zero Waste Europe

Contact email:

Date of publication: 2021-12-30


Guidance on food waste reduction in municipalities
(Guidance-on-food-waste-reduction-in-cities-EN.pdf - 921KB)

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