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The objective of this survey is to obtain an implementation status of the Renewable Heating and Cooling Strategic Research and Innovation Agenda´s priorities among the RHC stakeholders; as well as identify the RD&I trends among the stakeholders active in the Renewable Heating and Cooling sectors.
Why is this important?
Your answer remains important so as to form a correct and complete picture of all the RHC sectors in the EU. The European Commission can only take the right measures to stimulate these sectors when a complete picture is available. This survey is a mean for preparing a report for the European Commission on the status of RHC RD&I. Companies that provide answers will be in position to influence content of the report. Results of this survey will therefore be used to better define policy recommendations for the sector.

By completing this survey, you will receive a digital copy of the final report with insights into RHC-related RD&I priorities and RD&I trends among the stakeholders active in the Renewable Heating and Cooling sectors.

Your information will be handled in strict confidence and used only for the purposes of the RHC-ETIP´s Deployment and Implementation Report. The collected data will only be displayed aggregated, in summary statistics, and/or used for the compilation of indicators.
Please complete this questionnaire, providing as much information as possible. If question does not apply to you, please write N/A (not applicable).


The European Commission is not responsible for the content of questionnaires created using the EUSurvey service - it remains the sole responsibility of the form creator and manager. The use of EUSurvey service does not imply a recommendation or endorsement, by the European Commission, of the views expressed within them.

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The anonymous option has been activated. As a result, your contribution to this survey will be anonymous as the system will not save any personal data such as your IP address.

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