Statistics Explained

Glossary:Holding with livestock

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Holdings with livestock are agricultural holdings with cattle, goats, sheep, pig, poultry, equidae, rabbits, beehives or other livestock.

Holdings with livestock can have zero livestock units (LSU) as LSU is only calculated for cattle, goats, sheep, pigs, poultry, equidae and rabbits. Holdings with livestock and no LSU are holdings which have beehives or other livestock.

Holdings with livestock can also have zero standard output (SO) as SO is not estimated for other livestock. Holdings with livestock but no SO are holdings which have livestock in the form of other livestock.

Data on livestock collected in the farm structure surveys (FSS) are referring to a reference day in the year surveyed. The number of livestock in a year may fluctuate. For some animal types (e.g. poultry)  there may be a period between production cycles in which the stables are empty, and no livestock are on the holding. When the stables are empty during the reference day of the FSS the holding will be counted in statistics as having no livestock. The size of the holding in LSU is also based on the available livestock on the holding during the reference day .

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